Sunday, November 14, 2010

I Crave.

Dearest Matthew,

You're every reason why I would take any time to fight. You're every reason why I stand right back up again and keep going, even after I've been pushed down. Whatever strength I have is extremely fragile, leaving me with a weak hold on my tears. I wish I could be better for you, but I'll still try hard. I'd slave myself beyond my ability just for you. I look forward to spending the entire rest of my life with you by my side. But I should be more honest.

I'm craving you deeply, more than ever. I know once I get that tiniest touch, I'll grab on tightly. My body is becoming thirsty and hungry for what it is starved from. I don't understand closeness, yet I crave it. I often wish I could explain this to someone, but I cannot. I don't even understand how to explain to myself. I contain myself when it comes to your beautiful face, but I want to be held by you just because I love you.

I'm hurting, my dearest Matthew. I'm weak and tired. I know I was not meant to go through this life alone. I know you're supposed to be with me. I know we're supposed to endure life together. We're a team, a perfect one at that. We're a harmony, a duet, a song. We're four hands for one piano and my part doesn't make sense without yours. You're my secondo, and I'm your primo. We're two parts to a whole and I'm failing without you.

I'm too afraid that I cannot keep doing this alone. I'm dying to be with you. Why must I have to wait so long? I keep asking for more patience from our dear Lord, but truly I am having a hard time continuing without you. I can't help but miss your face, no matter what my feelings are. I still get happy over you. I still want to be with you, even if I'm upset. I still want to hug you with the most sincere hold. I want to hear your beating heart exactly in sync with mine.

Don't you see? We were meant to be.

Yours Truly,
Stephanie Ann

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Whatever Have You Done to Me?

Dearest Matthew,

Whatever have you done to me? I've fallen sky high head over heels in love with your very existence. I'd give up all that I have just for you. You see, you're too beautiful to just let go of. You've flooded my imagination for quite some time now, but I'd rather stare into your perfect eyes. I know this may be short, and I've not written you in quite some time. But honestly, I do care for you beyond measure. And I will always love you.

Please see that.

Yours Truly,
Stephanie Ann