Friday, February 27, 2009

It's Crazy Here.

Dearest Matthew,

Oh how lucky you must be to do everything so perfectly. Currently I have a headache that won't leave me alone. I shan't attack it with any medicine though, I have sympathy towards it.

You don't gain headaches because everything you do is just right. Nothing could cause such stress on your mind.

I'm writing today to tell you I am suffering in my imperfectionness. But I truly know you'd be my other half if you existed. If we became one, I'm sure you would be able to block this headache from visiting my head. You're one lucky man.

You're even more lucky because I created you. I do so believe you've made my imagination perfect as well! If only the world could be like us, maybe it would be then that no one would have to suffer.

What is sin to you? I surely believe it is a waste of time in your life. An action you'd never be willing to take because it is filthy and imperfect. But dearest Matthew, what about our loved ones who are suffering? What about our loved ones who want to do right, and innocently commit sin? However do we speak to them? It's not that I'm asking for respect, just for understanding.

That shall be saved for yet another letter that I'll write to you. But until then, I shall end this one. I can only dream of your prayers, your words of wisdom, and your amazingness.

Yours Truly,
Stephanie Ann

The other half of pepper is salt. Two very different seasonings, but you always see them together. :)

Dearest Matthew [Beginning]

Dearest Matthew,

It's a good thing you don't exist. Because if you did, everyone else would look terribly horrible compared to your perfection. Their self-esteem levels would drop, which may even lead to depression.

I guess it would technically be my fault for imagining such a perfect person. But what can I say? It's what I do! :)

The geniusness I've put into you is almost uncontrollable, but due to your perfect perfection, you control it perfectly. It's as if you have no problem in the world at all, and nothing can bring you down.

Your eyes could tell someone every honest truth about yourself because there's not one lie about you. You rise to the most perfect height, and you don't lose nor gain a single wrong pound. Even your hair is perfect, you never need to fix it! But you would because you'd do a fantastic job anyway.

Every meal you dream to have with me, you've prepaid it in your mind. To pay you back, I'd buy you gifts and give you words of appreciation. You'd humbly accept each gift and knew you couldn't give it back because it'd be exactly something you'd love.

The clothes on your body would be jealous of such perfect features you'd have, that they'd feel unworthy. But the fact that you picked them out at the store (with the exception of the gift given clothes) made them perfect too.

Every word spoken from your mouth would be genius, like mine. Together we could conquer every battle. You would teach me your perfections willingly, and I'd not share a single secret to anyone about you. We'd rise in our generation, sharing a strong love no one else could have imagined but God.

In our love, we would learn each other's perfections. I'd complete you, you'd complete me. We'd no longer be two, but one flesh. Every morning I'd wake up to you shining next to me.

Your much stronger self would protect my much smaller build. I'd fit into your arms perfectly--what's not perfect about us, right? Without me next to you, you'd be empty, incomplete, and broken. I'd mean every letter of 'forever' and word of 'until death do us part.'

I knew there had to be an amazing reason why God would create you. When you discover I'm that missing rib, it is then our love can grow. Nothing would be able to break that bond. I would always love you.

I can imagine how perfect it would be if you existed in my life today.

And yet I need not to remind you of what it would be like.

Love Always,
Stephanie Ann

You'll only be perfect to me.